We are currently designing a number of workshops for a range of skills, interests and abilities. While we wait for Government advice on how the layout of such spaces should take shape and when we can open; you’ll see within each workshop the option to register your interest. You’ll be the first to know once the dates are out.
Throwing Workshop: Beginners
A half day workshop on the wheel, this workshop is suitable for beginners, those wanting a taster session or anyone with previous experience who may be a little rusty. You will start by learning how to centre a ball of clay, then how to throw this to make small a cylinder and we slowly start to see how your shapes might be used. Cups and pots are typical shapes that students come out with but it’s also quite experimental so we’re not too hard on ourselves. Out of what you throw, you’ll get to chose a couple to keep, which will then be glazed and ready to collect at an agreed date.
Throwing Workshop: Intermediate
A natural workshop to progress on to from the beginners, here you’ll gain more confidence independently on the wheel. We will also work on your pots taking a more personal style to you. Looking and form and function closely, we will equip you with the right tools to achieve these.
Throwing Workshop: Taster Afternoon
A natural workshop to continue on to from the beginners, here you’ll gain more confidence independently on the wheel. We will also work on your pots taking a more personal style to you and equip you with the right tools to achieve